South Central Waterfront Vision Framework plan
The South Central Waterfront Initiative builds upon more than three decades of waterfront planning begun by the Town Lake Corridor Study. Since the Initiative was officially launched by City Council in 2013, the effort has engaged hundreds of Austinites and has combined community aspirations with the effort of numerous city departments, stakeholders and citizens. This document establishes a consolidated vision and provides a cohesive set of recommendations to guide public and private investment in the South Central Waterfront over the next two decades. The vision presented in this report is grounded in economic, environmental, and spatial analyses and provides a starting point for mutually beneficial collaboration between the City of Austin and its constituents: residents, property-owners, and developers. More importantly, this document will serve as the beginning of a larger city-led effort to ensure that, as this area evolves, every increment of investment by the city and its partners will contribute to making this a great new district.
View the plan here.
June 2016
Location: Austin, TX
Client: City of Austin
Project Team: Asakura Robinson, ECONorthwest, Project Cost Resources, McCann Adams Studio, US Environmental Protection Agency/CMG Landscape Architects
Key Team Members: Katie Coyne, Zakcq Lockrem
2016, Planning Award, American Planning Association, Central Texas Section
2016, Planning Award, ASLA Texas Chapter
2017, Excellence in Sustainability Award, American Planning Association
*Previous firm work