Montrose Livable Centers Study
The goal of the Montrose Livable Centers Study is to formulate a comprehensive plan driven by stakeholders, marking the first of its kind for Montrose. This initiative builds upon prior plans, harnesses existing and ongoing infrastructure enhancements, and enhances pedestrian and cycling facilities, transit accessibility, green spaces, and economic and housing development, amalgamating them into a cohesive vision and action plan. Through extensive stakeholder engagement, the study has crafted a holistic, community-centric vision aimed at creating a livable and pedestrian-friendly environment. By addressing mobility, connectivity, land use, housing, and economic development, the study endeavors to establish Montrose as a premier destination for living, working, and recreation.
Read more here.
February 2021
Location: Houston, TX
Client: Houston-Galveston Area Council
Project Team: Asakura Robinson
Key Team Members: Katie Coyne, Zakcq Lockrem, Alexandra Miller
2021 Silver Planning Achievement Award in Best Practice from the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association (APATX)
*Previous firm work