North Houston/ Greenspoint Livable Centers Study

The goal of the study is to create a plan for the study area that will define new, context-sensitive standards for the North Houston District that foster multi-modal access and connectivity, a mix of land uses, a diversity of housing options, and a sense of place. The study results in a forward-looking vision and practical implementation strategies that consider responsible stewardship of the North Houston District’s existing resources to best meet anticipated population growth.

Read more here.

March 2020

Location: Houston, TX

Client: Houston-Galveston Area Council, North Houston Management District

Project Team: Huitt-Zollars, Asakura Robinson, TEI

Key Team Members: Katie Coyne, Zakcq Lockrem, Alexandra Miller


  • 2020 Gold Planning Achievement Award in Urban Design from the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association (APATX)

*Previous firm work


Pasadena Healthy Parks Plan


Healthy Parks Plan for Travis, Bastrop, and Caldwell Counties